
Reece, formerly known as Makktanna, entered the vibrant musical realm of the Hunted Down Music Group (HDMG) in 2016, bringing with him a potent mix of high energy and modern lyricism. His introduction to the group was orchestrated by Cav, who recognized Reece’s exceptional talent during a recording session. This marked the beginning of Reece’s impactful journey within HDMG, where his distinctive style and commitment to detail quickly became standout features. In the dynamic landscape of HDMG, Reece played a pivotal role in shaping the collective sound. His departure from the group in 2018, marked by amicable terms, symbolized a period of growth and evolution for both Reece and the collective. Despite his exit, the imprint of Reece’s contribution lingered, influencing the group’s musical identity. Reece’s tenure with HDMG reflected not only his artistic prowess but also his adaptability and significant contributions to a collaborative musical environment. His legacy within the group encompasses meticulous attention to detail, electrifying performances, and a contemporary lyrical approach that resonated with audiences. As HDMG continues its musical journey, Reece’s impact remains a lasting testament to the transformative power of his artistry within the group’s dynamic narrative. Beyond his role as a vocalist and rapper, Reece’s influence extended beyond the recording studio. His dedication to the craft fostered a collaborative spirit within HDMG, inspiring fellow members to push creative boundaries. With a keen focus on evolving musical landscapes, Reece’s departure in 2018 allowed him to explore new horizons while leaving an indelible mark on HDMG’s sonic legacy. As both Reece and HDMG navigated their respective paths, the memories of his impactful presence and creative energy continued to resonate within the collective’s artistic endeavors.